Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos

Mirabello 2015, Domaine Economou

Mirabello is indeed regarded as another masterpiece by Giannis Economou, a renowned winemaker. It is a wine known for its character and originality, offering a unique experience to those who have the opportunity to taste it. When you have the privilege of enjoying a wine crafted by Economou, it is recommended to approach it with an open mind and heart.

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Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos

Antigone 2004, Domaine Economou

I guess the most noteworthy wine event of last year was the release of the wines of Giannis Oikonomou after a long waiting period. His idiosyncratic intelligence hit the market and the heart of every wine lover with plenty of new labels. But, without a doubt, the jewel in the crown is Antigone.

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Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos

Terra Nera 2020, Artemis Karamolegos Winery

Artemis Karamolegos winery handled Mandilaria in a sufficiently smart way. They crafted a pale wine with light tannins that even the aromas remind of Valpolicella. Another dimension of Mandilaria.

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Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos

Mm 2015, Domaine Sigalas

It is a well made red wine from the island of Santorini, which has aged beautifully and delivers the volcanic terroir excellently.

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