Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos

Mavrotragano 2019, Artemis Karamolegos Winery

​​Mavrotragano is a dark-skinned grape grown mainly on the Cyclades islands, with some great examples from Santorini and Tinos. In recent years a few efforts occurred on the mainland with commercial success and helped Mavrotragano to find its place. However, although the variety has already gained a high-quality status, its full potential still needs to be discovered.

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Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos

Nykteri 2018, Artemis Karamolegos Winery

Nykteri was Santorini's white fine wine in the past. The grapes were picked early in the morning before the heat made things complicated, and the grapes were pressed the same night when the temperature was more relaxed, and daylight could not cause oxidation problems.

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Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos

Pyritis 2019, Artemis Karamolegos Winery

Karamolegos winery seems to be the most innovative on the island of Santorini, with their wines expressing the terroir in various ways. Pyritis is a genuinely authentic wine with minimal interventions by the winemaker and crystal purity into the glass.

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Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos Wine Yannis Athanasakopoulos

Terra Nera 2020, Artemis Karamolegos Winery

Artemis Karamolegos winery handled Mandilaria in a sufficiently smart way. They crafted a pale wine with light tannins that even the aromas remind of Valpolicella. Another dimension of Mandilaria.

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