Wine Vein

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Red Mullet and Ratatouille Tarte

Red Mullet and Ratatouille Tarte

Ingredients for 2 portions:

2 red mullets, at least 250 gr each - scaled, in filets and deboned

500 gr red and yellow bell peppers - finely diced

350 gr courgettes - finely diced

1 onion - peeled and finely diced

300 gr tomato sauce (leftover pasta sauce will do nicely)

400 gr puff pastry

1 tsp garlic powder

Salt, pepper

Olive oil

For the tart base:

Using a 16 cm round metal pastry round, cut the puff pastry. The excess pastry, reserve for future use.

With the use of a fork, prick all puff pastry surface.

Place between two baking parchments and two baking trays.

Cook in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for 10 minutes. Reserve.  

For the ratatouille:

In a well-heated pan, sear for 30 seconds peppers, courgettes and onion, all separately in a bit of olive oil—season all vegetables with salt, pepper and garlic powder and mix them.

For the red mullet:

Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat. (Line your pan with baking parchment. The delicate nature of this fish will thank you when cooking it!)

Add some olive oil and season the filets—Cook over medium heat, skin side down for 60 to 90 seconds.

Flip over. Turn off heat and cook for an extra 30 seconds. Remove from the pan.


Place the puff pastry on the bottom.

Heat tomato sauce and spoon a generous portion on the surface.

Heat ratatouille and place over the sauce.

Top with the fish, skin side up.

Bon appétit!

What wine we will choose: 

The first thought is that we have a simple dish in capture yet with depth in taste. The combination of ingredients and cooking gives us the opportunity, nor to say that they challenge us, for several experiments.

Everyone's mind will go to rosy versions, and rightly so, whoever did it. Light versions such as a rosé from Moschofilero to more food-friendly wines such as Rose de Xinomavro will fit harmoniously. If you have any bottle of the amazing Bandol in your cellar, do not hesitate to open it. Of course, light reds that can be served cool like Black of Kalavryta will open another tasty door that you should pass through.